How Do I Care For My Dentures?

Full and partial dentures are a cost-effective and accessible way of replacing missing teeth to restore your smile and tooth functionality. 

However, it’s important to take care of your dentures so that you don’t damage them or end up with ill-fitting dentures that can cause oral health problems. Read on in this blog from Evergreen Dental Co. to learn about denture best practices.

Cleaning & Denture Care Best Practices

You should clean your dentures twice a day and soak them overnight. Brush them in the morning, when you wake up, and at night, before you go to bed. Rinse your dentures under lukewarm water. 

Then, use a soft bristle toothbrush and denture cleaning solution to gently scrub all of the surfaces to remove food debris and bacteria. Then, give them another rinse before popping them back in your mouth. 

You should also clean your mouth, even if you have no teeth. Use a soft bristle toothbrush to brush along your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth. Your soft tissues can also harbor bacteria.

When you clean your dentures before bed, you will need to then soak them overnight in denture soaking solution or warm water. This stops your dentures from drying out and becoming damaged. Remember to remove your dentures before going to sleep.

If you have partial dentures, then you should brush them at the same time that you’re brushing and flossing your natural teeth. It’s a good idea to rinse your dentures out after eating. Always rinse your dentures before placing them back in your mouth. 

What to Avoid

Don’t use toothpaste to clean your dentures, which is too abrasive and can damage the dentures. You should also avoid exposing your dentures to hot liquids because this can morph the mold of your dentures. 

Never sleep with your dentures in, as this can cause oral health problems. Don’t use hard bristles to clean your mouth or your dentures, as these can cause damage. Keep in mind that dentures don’t respond to teeth whitening products so brushing your dentures with whitening toothpaste will not change the shade of the artificial teeth. 

When to Replace Your Dentures

Partial dentures can last for up to 15 years while full dentures have a lifespan of 7 to 10 years. However, you may need to replace your dentures sooner if you experience facial structure changes due to bone loss or if your dentures become damaged. 

When you lose teeth, the jawbone starts to break down. This process is irreversible without dental implants and it can affect your bite, facial features, and support to facial muscles. As your face naturally changes, you will need to have your dentures relined or completely replaced to prevent ill-fitting dentures. 

This is why regular checkups every 6 months are so important. Your dentist can examine your mouth and the fit of your dentures to let you know if there are any problems or if it’s time to replace them.

Interested In Dentures? Schedule Your Consultation Today!

The great thing about dentures is that they’re affordable and accessible to most patients, no matter their age, oral health history, or jawbone structure. Contact us at Evergreen Dental Co. today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tariq Jah to find out if dentures are right for you or to get a replacement.

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